WE_RealWorld Education: Online Curriculum for Adult Education in Environmental Awareness and Sustainable Development

10 course modules aimed at low-skilled adults focusing on green skills that are valuable both in the workplace and in personal life. 

A full course of ten individual comprehensive modules is now available online in six EU-languages. The modules are directed at individuals who want to improve their personal action skills or adult educators looking for up-to-date learning materials on environmental awareness and sustainable development. The course attempts to meet the growing demand for accessible and inviting learning experiences focusing on how to deal with climate challenges on a personal level and how to act in the local community or the workplace.  

The full course covers a variety of associated yet separate themes targeting different aspects of environmental awareness and sustainable action. However, each module stands as a separate unit allowing for random choice or composition of individual learning progress. To ensure validity and recognition, each module provides learning outcomes and skills referring directly to main skills from category T6.2, Applying environmental skills and competences, in the ESCO framework. After the successful completion of a module and the associated assessment, the learner is entitled to a digital badge.  

Each module is designed in accordance with a specific curriculum structure based on the results of an extensive mapping report and focus group interviews, providing valuable general guidelines for the adult educator on both design, contents and accessibility. These general guidelines along with specific guidelines for each module provide the adult educator with easy-to use learning materials for individuals or groups of learners. 

For access to the materials and much more, please check our website: https://we-world.eu/ 


WE_RealWorld Education: Mapping of Adult Education in Environmental Awareness and Sustainable Development

A report describing the learning opportunities and good practices on sustainable development in Adult Education

According to recent reports, it seems that the Education for Sustainable Development in the field of Adult Education is structurally underfunded and often becomes overshadowed by the VET field that is more focused on professional development. There is also a lack of opportunities that foster environmental awareness in adult education, especially among low-skilled adults (NEETs). The aim of the current descriptive mapping report that the Erasmus+ project WE: World Education produced, is to fill this gap in green adult education by investigating available learning opportunities and good practices and also mapping the needs of adult educators and NEETs. To achieve this goal, desk and field research has been conducted in six European countries including both adult learners and educators. The desk research results revealed that there are existing learning opportunities, either provided by governments or private bodies. Also, there are available good practices that can act as a sample and direct the structure of the educational programme. It is important though to produce more learning opportunities in the AE sector, equip the Adult Educators with green teaching capacities, as the non-formal education approach of AE is equally as important as the VET field, especially when talking about environmental awareness, active citizenship and the development of green skills for sustainable life choices. 

Here you can find more about the report and the World Education project. 


Challenging Misconceptions: Lessons in Environmental Awareness

Welcome to the “Real-World Education to Foster Environmental Awareness (WE) Project”!

In this video, we dive into the key lessons from our tenth module: Overcoming Misconceptions on Environmental Issues.

Representatives from each partner organization, speaking in their national languages, share how this module has helped them challenge common myths and gain a clearer understanding of environmental challenges and solutions.

Let’s uncover the truth about our environment and empower change through knowledge!