WE_RealWorld Education: Online Curriculum for Adult Education in Environmental Awareness and Sustainable Development

10 course modules aimed at low-skilled adults focusing on green skills that are valuable both in the workplace and in personal life. 

A full course of ten individual comprehensive modules is now available online in six EU-languages. The modules are directed at individuals who want to improve their personal action skills or adult educators looking for up-to-date learning materials on environmental awareness and sustainable development. The course attempts to meet the growing demand for accessible and inviting learning experiences focusing on how to deal with climate challenges on a personal level and how to act in the local community or the workplace.  

The full course covers a variety of associated yet separate themes targeting different aspects of environmental awareness and sustainable action. However, each module stands as a separate unit allowing for random choice or composition of individual learning progress. To ensure validity and recognition, each module provides learning outcomes and skills referring directly to main skills from category T6.2, Applying environmental skills and competences, in the ESCO framework. After the successful completion of a module and the associated assessment, the learner is entitled to a digital badge.  

Each module is designed in accordance with a specific curriculum structure based on the results of an extensive mapping report and focus group interviews, providing valuable general guidelines for the adult educator on both design, contents and accessibility. These general guidelines along with specific guidelines for each module provide the adult educator with easy-to use learning materials for individuals or groups of learners. 

For access to the materials and much more, please check our website: https://we-world.eu/ 

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